Saturday, August 29, 2009


I decided after 3 months it was time for a haircut. I noticed a barber just opened up across the street in one of the construction worker housing units. It consisted of a mirror and a chair. I wasn't feeling that so I searched on and found a Loreal Unisex hair Salon. It has only been open for two weeks. I ask how much for a haircut and get passed between three people before some English comes out. She said 100 bucks. It was cheaper than I though 100 = $2us. I sit down in the chair. They wrap the bib thing around me and my big American neck was too large for it. It took them about another 5 minutes to find one my size. I knew I was in trouble when my stylist spoke little English. We communicated short in the side and backs and medium on top. Then away he went with scissors only and was chopping away. He did just as good of a job as using electronic shears, at least at first glance. Then he got out the straight edge to clean out up around the ears and back of the neck. He wetted me down with what said it was rubbing alcohol before and after, but who knows what it was. Then he gave me a little head massage and asked me if I wanted a full head massage or body massage. I didn’t like where this was going so I said no. When I went to pay, the receptionist again asked me if I wanted a head or body massage. I don’t know if it was part of the deal or not. I still said no. I will have to ask around the office. I paid my 100 rupees and tipped the guy 20. The haircut was definitively worth $2.40.

Then I decided to walk around and go cow hunting with my camera. It was about 3 in the afternoon and hot again. There were not many cows out. First I ran into a mom and calf and the dumpsters. Then a couple of bulls. Pics are below.

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