Tuesday, August 11, 2009

On the lighter side, what I have found out about the new quick dry golf shirts is they do not absorb any of the sweat. Out in this heat, I have sweat a lot. On Saturday all the sweat rolled down my stomach and onto my pants. After being out for about 2.5 hours at the Humuyan Tomb I noticed some of the locals started laughing and pointing at me. I looked down and saw why. All the sweat absorbed into my khaki pants and looked like I peed my pants. I untucked my shirt to cover it up and moved on. I never thought I would have to worry about something like that.

Saturday is Independence Day for India celebrating their independence from Britain. I have received a couple more of the Warrant messages from the Embassy to be extra cautious as there could be terrorist activities during the holiday. As a result, I will stay around the Noida area to avoid any potential issues. The holiday is on a Saturday so there is no time off.

I heard the big activity for the holiday is flying kites and trying to cut the string of the other kites flying around.

Last Wednesday was another holiday. A brother sister holiday where the sister ties a colorful string bracelet around the wrist of the brother and the brother gives the sister a gift. The gift could be money, clothing, or anything else the sister wants. Most of the people in the office took the day off to celebrate this. I was one of the few people in the office. A couple of the guys here were complaining/joking that all they get is a piece of string and then they have to empty their wallets for a gift.

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