Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another Day

Wow, a little over 3 weeks into the trip and there are now more than 650 clicks on the blog. I just signed up for the Adwords ads. Feel free to click on an ad every once in a while. Maybe I will make a couple bucks.

I was contacted by the India BBC today to do an interview on why American Expats are coming to India. More to come if I get interviewed.

Last night I had Dominos. I ordered enough to make a couple meals out of it. For less than $10 I was able to get a large chicken and onion pizza, a coke and a calzone. I did have a coupon for a free calzone though. They put the spicy chicken in it though instead of the plain chicken. After one piece I was sweating and my nose was running. There is no need for hot wings over here.

There are many pigeons around here. When I am swimming in the outdoor pool they will come down and drink right out of the pool. They also nest between the ac unit and the window outside. I can hear them flapping around every once in a while

I am going to have to make a trip to the distribution facilities out here at some point. Gary told me there are about 100 monkeys that live around the distribution building. I was told they won’t bug you if you don’t bother them. However if you do something they don’t like they will stand up on their feet, screech and show their teeth. Rabies here I come.

Last year they introduced tables for the first time to the distribution facilities. Before the workers would sit on the floor and do there work. So what did they do with the tables the first day? They climbed on top of the tables, sat down on the table and worked like they always did. Makes training a little more difficult.

Gary was also telling me that the only bathroom there is for management. If a laborer worker were to go in and use this bathroom they would be docked a full days pay.

I have seen a few men peeing on the side of the road driving around. I have yet to see anyone squatting. Just one more thing to look forward to.

I also found out a big business around town is picking up the cow patties from all the cows wandering around. Then they dry them out and sell the cow patty like firewood to use to cook food and such. Nothing goes to waste around here. I especially enjoy watching the cows eat out of the garbage. I wonder what cows the cheese comes from that I am eating. It might even be goat cheese.

I have only run into a few international people over here so far, this morning a couple of businessman from Scotland. Most of them tell me I am crazy for doing this alone. All of them come in groups of 2 or 3, stay for only 2 weeks and have a host. The have also told me what they think India really means – I’ll Never Do It Again. I have heard that from a few different people. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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