Wednesday, October 7, 2009

On Tuesday I attended the 13 Day Ceremony for the deceased that I attended the cremation for. The ceremony involved the priest working directly with the daughters of the deceased saying prayers and mixing different herbs and plants. The only thing I recognized was a banana. This lasted about an hour. Then the priest walked around and splashed us all with water that he dipped in a bowl with a flower. This was the final cleansing of the ceremony. We were then given lunch and were on our way. I believe this is the last ceremony for the deceased.
Later in the day my manager was telling me that when a widow loses her husband she then only eats vegetarian. Apparently eating non veg creates heat in the body which leads to sexual desires. A widow has no use for that.

Also this week I attended my first movie at the theater. It was an American movie by Quentin Tarintino. It had a Brad Pitt in it and was about killing Hitler. There are a few theater differences. Once again I had to go through a metal detector and a pat down. The movie was only $2. Popcorn and pop were about $1 each. The seats were assigned. Finally mid way through the movie there was an intermission to get snacks.

Married women of America, be happy you are not Hindu today. Today is a day in which the wife will fast from sun up to sun down without eating or drinking water in order to please the gods and wish long life to their husband. The office was about half empty today. The few married women that were in were dressed very nicely and had henna tattoos on their hands with matching bangals to their outfits. When the moon rises they are able to eat once again. Apparently the moon isn't suppose to rise until 11pm tonight. It will be a long day for them. See Pics below.
Rakhi's hands.
Vibhuti and Rakhi.
Vibhuti from facilities and Rakhi from Business Inteligence.
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